Year 6

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Welcome to Year 6


We are looking forward to seeing you in September and can’t wait to start our new exciting learning.


Your class teachers will be Mrs Fox. Miss Khatun and Mr Deery.


In year 6, each day will start with a morning task to get your brains warmed up while we take turns to wash our hands and prepare for the day ahead.


One of the teachers will always be there to welcome you in so remember to say good morning and share a smile.


This is our class reader.

It is a gripping adventure based on a true story. Why not try one of these other Victorian adventures for yourself over the summer holidays?


In English, we will be learning to:

  • Write biographies, information texts and narratives
  • Use dialogue to advance action and show character
  • Use formal and informal language
  • Use brackets, commas and dashes for parenthesis
  • Use ; and : to join independent clauses
  • Use the passive voice
  • Plan, edit and draft our work
  • Maintain a consistent joined handwriting style
  • Apply spelling strategies


In maths, we will be learning to:

  • Interpret negative numbers in context
  • Compare and order numbers up to 10,000,000
  • Round numbers and use rounding to check answers
  • Add and subtract numbers with more than 4 digits
  • Multiply 4 digits by 2 digits
  • Use short division to divide 4 digits by 1 digit
  • Recognise and use square and cube numbers
  • Know and use the vocabulary of prime and composite numbers and prime factors.


In topic, we will be studying the Victorians. We will learn to:

  • Use a variety of primary and secondary sources for independent research.
  • Use evidence to support arguments.
  • Develop a secure chronological understanding of British history that extends beyond 1066
  • Ask historical questions about change, cause, similarity and difference.
  • Note connections and trends over time.


In science, we will be learning to:

  • Record data using scientific diagrams, tables and classification keys
  • Plan scientific enquiries to answer questions, controlling variables where necessary
  • Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics including microorganisms, plants and animals
  • Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics


You will have homework each week, including a reading book, maths and spellings.


Don’t forget to bring your book bag every day and change your reading book every week.


You will also need the correct P.E. kit twice a week for P.E. We will have PE on Wednesday and Friday.


Have a safe and wonderful summer and we will see you on Wednesday 3rd September

at 8.45 a.m.


All classes start and end times can be found on the website.